
6 Reasons why any self-respecting Sikh or Hindu should vote for the Conservatives and never Labour

If we went back to the 1960s and 1970s you would find endemic racism in both major UK political parties. It was a sign of the times, a Labour MP once talked of forced integration , ironic as Indians today, predominately Sikhs and Hindus are some of the most integrated communities. There was a time when Labour representatives were actively preventing Indians from buying housing in Southall. Locals would refuse to sell houses to them, which meant many had to pool together cash and buy houses in larger groups wherever they could, resulting in large numbers of people living in 3 bedroom houses. As the Asian minority grew in the UK, Labour saw an opportunity, it was the party of the poor and working class, which most of them were. The Tories a party of the harder line Christian, the rich. Labour soon gathered the minority vote, whether it be Sikh, Hindu, Muslim or Black or Disabled. They claimed to stand for the underrepresented. Many Indians began voting and standing for La
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